Living Prayer

I have a dream Mother…

I ask your guidance in it’s execution

Help me open up and become your conduit

Help me to eliminate any obstacles I might have

In seeing the way this creative idea is to take seed.

I am a circle of light in your embrace.

Grant me the peace and serenity to act on all of my hunches…

My visions of your design for me.

Help me to be an open channel to your energy and love

That I might continue to be of service to you and all of Gaia’s creatures.

I am your servant and missionary.

Help me to understand my shortcomings

That I might enter my own shadow unafraid and embrace all aspects of my being.

For in doing so,

I go with a greater whole of myself into the ministry you have in store for me.

I recognize that the gifts I have chosen to bring into this life are granted and anointed by you.

These gifts I bring here are but an aspect of you.

Help me to stay conscious so that I remain free of arrogance and grandiosity.

Help me to more fully embrace my soul’s expression,

To see clear to my way of expressing,

Enjoying the gifts that you have shed on me to share with the world.

Thank you for the gift of life you have given to me.

I will do my best to act on your behalf for the short period of time I express through this vehicle.

In Love, Grace, and Light I give Thanks.

Blessed Be.


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